We arrived and were treated to a reserved table, beer and Wursts, now that's how I'd like all my shoots to start :)
The place was loud, live and totally rocking, standing room only, literally!
Before we'd even opened a bottle, taken a bite or unpacked a camera a conga ensued and we just managed to break out the 60d with fab and verastile Sigma 17-50mm f2.8 lens in time to catch it.
That was it there was no stopping us, two shooters in full swing, The 60d as mentioned and the 5dsr with the Canon 24-70mm L lens.
These produce warm pictures in low light, we used flashes, Canon 550ex, no modifier as the modifier hadn't arrived yet on theh 60d. And the Yongnuo 568EX II with a cap diffuser on the 5d.
Settings vary loads but we try to keep the flash at about 1/16 so they don't overpower the picture and it saves power too.
Camera settings, usually f4 to f5.6 maybe f8 for the bigger shots, mostly at about 35mm but this job called for some wider shots because the action was constant, the place was big and we wanted to capture the mood.
Shutter at about 1/30 this lets the flash freeze some elements and allows for ambience too.
ISO left at 400 to be safe, not too high as to compromise quality and not super low so that ambience was maximised.
The customers and entertainers were amazing, the whole night was incredibly good fun to shoot and we can't wait to do it again.
Hope you like this selection from the hundreds we took Oompah Madness.